Our heart lies in France, where our brand got its start, but we love to see our community representing Méduse all over the world from the seaside to the bustling metropolitan and cities.
That’s why we caught up with Taiwanese fashionista and everyone’s favourite Papa, (only known as PAPAOOTD on Instagram) to find out how this small city man, became the style icon we all know and love…
Tell us a bit about you, please, Papa !
City or beach?
Did you always love fashion? Can you give us a brief biography of your life?
Yes, I have always liked fashion! I think it is an attitude! I live in a small city in Taiwan, Hsinchu, which is a city surrounded by mountains and the sea. I work in the traditional art industry, but I enjoy following new trends!
How do you put your outfits together?
When choosing my outfit, I focus on comfort and uniqueness. I don’t worry about what others think…the key is to be comfortable in your own skin! Although I get inspired by trends, I don’t follow trends blindly, I incorporate my own style to my outfits.

How do you use Instagram?
Why did you decide to post your outfits on Instagram?
My son and daughter created my Instagram account and are managing it. They wanted to keep a record of my everyday outfits and style, which became the birth of my account.
Are there any Instagram accounts you love or are inspired by?
I actually don’t use social media that often, but I really like Sean Connery.
We see you wearing your black Méduse boots often with your outfits.
What are the 3 most important things for you in a pair of boots?
Comfort, fashion, function.
Do you have a favourite outfit or style to wear with your Méduse?
I like to style slightly wide straight work pants or trousers with Méduse boots.
Do you have more than one pair of Méduse? Which is your favourite?
I only have one pair, but they are very comfortable. I love them! I am planning on getting another pair in the future.
What colours would you love to see in a Méduse shoe?
I am looking forward to some more vibrant colours.
Yes or no to socks and sandals?
Yes! I never used to pair socks with sandals, but now I am trying the style.
Can you tell us about some of your inspirations?
What/who are some of your style inspirations?
I actually don’t have any inspirations. I buy whatever style I like when I shop.
How does French culture or brands mix with your style?
I believe that fashion has no national boundaries. Pairing items that you like together is style.
Have you travelled anywhere that inspires your style?
Japan, because there are more brands there and their clothes fit my build more.
Do you get inspired by your kids or grandkids’ style?
Sometimes they will give me advice, but I don’t always like it. I have my own thoughts!

It was great to discover more about PAPAOOTD and learn a little bit about our Taiwanese community, that we had also previously featured.
Keep an eye out for more from Splash Into Style coming soon.